What to Expect in an Online EMT Course?

You might be wondering what to expect for EMT school. We’ve compiled some tips and what to expect when taking EMT courses.

Expect to be excited!  Afterall, you are considering an online EMS course because something about it excites you.  Perhaps you just have a desire to be a positive force in your community and you want to help people.  Maybe you like the notion of driving the truck with the lights and sirens.  Maybe you are considering becoming a doctor, nurse, or PA and want to improve your chances of getting into a medical school. Maybe you want to become a firefighter, and just want your application to stand out above the others. Whatever the reason, an EMT course is going to begin to move you toward your goals and provide you with a chance to make a living in a new career field and THAT is exciting!   

Expect to finish your course in somewhere between six and 24 weeks.  If you were to attend a community college, you will normally finish in a normal college-semester of 16 weeks.  If you jump into an Axon Education / Texas EMS School course, you can move as fast as you are able.  A highly motivated student can complete the course in roughly six weeks, and students with a lot of other time commitments, are allowed to stretch the course out as long as 36 weeks. 

What is EMT Class Like?

Expect to complete some assignments every two to three days.  Most Axon Education students complete some of their work on computers or tablets, and some of their work on smart phones.  Some assignments work better on smart phones than others, but in any case most of our students find it valuable to do a little work every day.  We help you with your progress by tracking how frequently you log in and what percentage of your online coursework you have left to do.  Our Student Success Advocates will give you a call, send you a text or an email, and help you stay on track.  They can also help you navigate unexpected life events that keep you from doing your coursework by helping you request a break or a furlough.

Expect tutoring to be available.  In an Axon Education/ Texas EMS School course if you need tutoring, you just need to schedule it online and then be ready for a video or audio call with an EMT or Paramedic.  Sometimes the course content just may not be making sense to you.  If so, schedule a tutoring session and let us help you figure it out.

What is EMT School Field Experience Like?

Expect to spend at least four shifts on an Ambulance.  This is called Field Experience, and every student will be required to complete approximately 48 hours or four twelve-hour shifts.  Texas EMS School has partner sites spread out across Texas to allow you to choose a site that fits your needs. You just choose your site and your preferred dates, and we will help work with the site to set your schedule.

Expect to spend at least two shifts in a hospital emergency room.  This is called Clinical Experience and it will be some of the most exciting and enjoyable time of your educational experience.  Axon Education has agreements with a multitude of hospitals and clinical sites in Texas which allows you to choose among them.  Like the field experiences, we will schedule your sessions once you tell us your preferences.

Expect to get hands on practice.  While the majority of an Axon Education / Texas EMS School EMT course is online, every student will attend a two-day hands-on Skills Lab.  The majority of our students choose to come to our home-base in Abilene Texas for these labs, but labs are conducted in various cities at various times across the state. The Abilene facility is particularly equipped to make the sessions efficient while providing appropriate social distancing and a high teacher-to-student ratio which makes the student experience even better.

What is the NREMT Exam Prep Like?

Expect to be required to pass a Readiness Exam prior to graduation.  Practically all EMS programs require all students to pass a nationally standardized final exam.  Ours is called the Readiness Exam.  In some community colleges you get one chance to pass this exam and it is usually during the last week of the semester.  At Axon Education we promote Competency Based Learning, so Texas EMS School allows you to attempt the exam as often as necessary to be successful, as long as you are within our prescribed course timeframe.  We believe you learn something every time you take the test, and we believe that taking the test is great preparation for helping you pass your National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) Certification Exam after you graduate.

Expect to become national registered with NREMT and become licensed as an Emergency Medical Technician. Nuff said!

For more information on what to expect from an EMT Course, contact us today.